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                当前位置: 网站首页  >> 关于我们


                迈克管件阀门有限公司始建于1962年,主营:迈克管件迈克沟槽管件迈克阀门迈克钢管,涂塑管件,衬塑管件,钢塑管件等  在过去的50多年间,公司 不断开拓进取,逐步成长为中国乃至世界上管道流体输送领域中规模 大、装备强,集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的大型企业集 团。目前,公司拥有一个总厂,三个分厂,一个独立核算的钢管公司 和一个科技ξ园,总共七个生产经营单位。       
                公司供应的产品应用于水、油、气和电力输送等各个民用●及工业 领域,生产的产品包括可锻铸铁螺纹管件、球铁沟槽管件和管卡、球 铁Ψ 和铸钢阀门、灰铁和球铁螺纹管件、钢管接管和接头、不锈钢管和 接头、铜管和接头、铸造青▓铜螺纹管件、管夹和线夹、电力金具以及▽ 多种OEM铸件等。       
                50多年以来,济南玫德以提供高品质的产品、全方位的服务以及 专业的问题解决方案逐步发展为PVF行业(管道、阀门及管件)信得 过品牌,为暖通、空调、机械、矿山、油气、消防、设备和电力输 送等行业提供一站式服务,能满足不同工况的使用需求,产品销售 到世界130多个〖国家和地区。公司主持和参与制定了多个国家及行业 标准,多个技术成果达到世界领先水平,每年申请并获得的专利⌒ 20余 项。       
                公司严格按照ISO 9001质量管理体系组织生产和质量控制,并 在全国同行业中最早通过ISO 14001环境体系认证。除此之外,公司 生产的产品申请并获得了PVF领域内最专业的各类认证,其中的代表 有美国UL/FM/NSF认证,加拿大CRN/ cUL认证,德国DVGW/TüV/VdS 认证,英国BSI/LPCB/BBA认证,以色列SII认证,日本JIS认证,巴西 ABNT认证,俄罗斯GOST-R认证,韩国KS认证,土耳其TSE认证,新 加坡PSB认证,马来西亚SIRIM认证,南非SABS认证以及欧盟CE/PED 等各种专业认证。       
                做为行业领导者和国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,公司始终以 环保达标为己任,重视环境保护的投入,倡导节能减排,迈克牌『玛钢 管件被美国环境技术出口委员会认定为“绿色环保技术交流推广产 品”。
                为客户提供增值服务和解决方案是济南玫德铸造█有限公司的宗 旨,我们始终相信,诚信铸就品牌,品牌引≡领市场,凭借我们的努力 和客户的信赖,您和我们都将获得更大的成功。

                Jinan Meide Casting Co. Ltd. was established in 1962. In the past decades, Jinan Meide has seized each opportunity to consolidate its strength, and has finally developed into what it is today, a large-scale enterprise group with advanced technology, equipment and strong comprehensive strength, known for its complete range of products, large producing capacity, high quality and strong R&D strength. The company owns altogether one main factory, three branch factories, an independent accounting steel pipe company, and a science & technology park. The company is the largest manufacturer in the fitting industry with the most complete range of products, supplying malleable iron fittings, grooved fittings, grooved couplings, valves, cast iron fittings, ductile iron fittings, steel pipe nipples and couplings, stainless steel nipples, brass pipe nipples, cast bronze fittings, steel pipes, pipe hangers and supports, electric fittings, etc. Over 50 years, Jinan Meide has been a trusted name in piping solutions by offering high-quality products, service and support to the PVF industry continuously. We provide expertise and product solutions for a wide range of applications, plumbing, mechanical, industrial, air-conditioning and refrigeration, mining, oil, gas, fire protection, equipment and power system. Many of the company’s application technology are advanced in the world, with more than 20 patents registered each year, and the company has presided over and participated in the drafting of many important national standards of the industry. We organize the whole production process in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. It has also the most complete certificates in the PVF industry, including UL/FM/NSF of US, CRN/cUL of Canada, DVGW/TüV/VdS of Germany, BSI/LPCB of UK, SII of Israel, JIS of Japan, ABNT of Brazil, GOST-R of Russia, CNBOP of Poland, KS of South Korea, TSE of Turkey, PSB of Singapore, SIRIM of Malaysia, SABS of South Africa, CE/PED of Europe etc. The products are well distributed in more than 130 countries and regions. As an industry leader and key high-tech enterprise of the national torch plan, the company attaches great importance to environmental protection, energysaving and emission-reduction. US-EEC recognizes MECH brand malleable iron pipe fittings as “the product to promote for the technology exchange of environmental protection”. Protecting the environment is the duty of the company. Customer satisfaction has always been the company’s top objective, and we constantly stick to the principle: to provide customers with a value-added solution rather than simply delivering products

                Contact us
                公司供应的产品应用于水、油、气和电力输送等各个民用及工业 领域,生产的产品包括可锻铸铁螺纹管件、球铁沟槽管件和管卡、球 铁和铸钢阀门、灰铁和球铁螺纹管件、钢管接管和接头、不锈钢管和 接头、铜管和接头、铸造青铜螺纹管件、管夹和线夹、电力金具以及 多种OEM铸件等。




